Thursday, January 16, 2014

Happier times

Things are looking up now!  We've been on Taris for a few weeks now helping out where we could while we looked for this vault that is holding the astrogation charts.  There are so many sad stories here and we've helped out where we could.  There are pirates, scavengers, and these things called rakghouls running around.  The scariest thing about the rakghouls is that they used to be regular people.  There is some kind of disease that turns you into one of those things.  We ended up working with this doctor trying to find a vaccine for the disease and I somehow let myself get talked into getting infected.  It wasn't the easiest thing to go out and find a rakghoul and then let it scratch and bite me, but I was brave and did what had to be done.  The vaccine worked though, and I haven't turned into one of those things.  The doctor said everything looks good and I shouldn't have to worry.  

It took a lot of favors and poking around, but we finally found the vault!  When Corso and I got there though, there were these stinky mercenaries standing in front of the vault door.  (I really mean stinky too, we could smell them before we could see them!  Is it some kind of rule that mercenaries shouldn't bathe?)  They were hired by that scumbag Skavak and of course figured we would be easy kills.  This girl held her own and after a quick gunfight we entered the vault and there were the astrogation charts!  We picked them up and headed back to the ship.  

Once we were back on the ship we gave the charts to Risha.  She then started to tell me a story about pirates and murder and riches and things.  Listening to her made me feel like a little girl.  I'm sure my eyes were full of wonder while Risha was spinning her tales.  I think I may have even giggled a few times!  Everything feels so right now that I have my ship back!  Everything seems to be going my way!  And then the strangest thing happened.

We ended up opening this bottle of ale that we had found on board.  Corso and I drank for a while and talked about this and that.  And then he made a pass at me!  I was so surprised at first!  And after he made the pass, I kind of suddenly realized how cute he really is.  I did what I could to encourage him, but he stopped himself and apologized to me.  He said I didn't deserve to be treated like some hutt's slave dancer.  He obviously doesn't know that that's exactly what I was for most of my life.  I didn't know what to say.  He said I deserved to have someone strong to take care of me.  I really like Corso.  I'll have to think about all of this later.  I never thought something could happen between someone like me and someone like him.  I guess I'll just have to wait and see if something does.  For now, I'm really happy.

Oh and even though we retrieved the astrogation charts we were here to find, I think we're going to spend a bit more time on Taris before we leave.  I want to keep helping people out here, at least for a little while.  No one ever helped me when I was a slave.  Doing things for these people makes me feel good inside.  I'll write again once we finally decide to head to the next system.

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